Monday, 30 March 2015


Suenel Bruwer-Holloway

In the beginning there were no fences

And we kept it like that. Intentionally.

Who would have thought such naïve

goodwill gestures would make me believe

(seeing is after all) in the possibility of angels:

A toddler serving lunch on a leaf,

a first devastating romantic grief,

wounds dressed with equal earnest imaginings,

whether inflicted by knights, parents’ fights,

skateboard landings, misunderstandings.

Willing, wry humour with tenderness meets

rap and menopause all because all unaware we

harboured angels, we’ve come to see here,

right here in this ordinary place.

From: McGregor Poetry Anthology 2013
Published by African Sun Press in association with the McGregor Poetry Festival
ISBN number 978-0-620-62302-5

The Poet:

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway lives in McGregor. Her plays have been performed at the Grahamstown Festival, in Britain and America. Her satire Cry Sis! Identity was published by Junkets in the Short, Sharp and Snappy Series. She raises children, cooks vast meals, walks dogs, teaches, does laundry, writes and gardens every day.

Previously published:

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway: Neighbours from The Ground’s Ear published by Quickfox, Cape Town, 2011. Hardcover ISBN 978-1-920-52619-1. Softcover ISBN 978-0-620-51665-5.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

What are you doing this evening?

Margaret Clough

Don’t know – it just depends –

So if

you want to fly me to a tropic isle

to walk at sunset with you on the beach,

dig bare toes into the wet soft sand

and watch the moon rise bright behind the palms,

or if

you have a special restaurant in mind,

where you can treat me to a feast

of lobster, sole and oysters, fillet steak

all followed by a sweet of crème brulee,

or if

you have bought tickets to “La Boheme”

with Sibongele in the lead and we

can feed our souls with sound and afterwards

you’ve hired a limousine to drive us home,

Why then –

I’ve nothing planned; I’m quite

at your disposal.

But if, as I suspect,

you have a pile of washing; your machine

has broken down and cannot be repaired, your shirt

has lost its buttons and your cat

needs taking to the vet,

why then, my love,

I might say I am otherwise engaged, but yet,

I’ve not the heart – I’m really quite,

at your disposal still.

From: McGregor Poetry Anthology 2013
Published by African Sun Press in association with the McGregor Poetry Festival
ISBN number 978-0-620-62302-5

The Poet:

Margaret Clough is a retired soil chemist and science teacher. She has published one collection, At Least the Duck Survived; and her poems have been published variously in Litnet, South Africa Writing, Carapace and New Contrast.

Previously published:
Margaret Clough: By Sandvlei Shore and What are you doing this evening from At Least the Duck Survived. Modjaji Books, Cape Town, 2011. ISBN 978-1-920397-85-2. Surprises on the Internet from Carapace Volume 94 Cape Town.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Evolusie van 'n leiwaterdam

Van die begin af was hierdie nie jou deursnee leiwaterdam nie. Die erf was alreeds omhein, die huis was al gebou en die tuin was min of meer uitgelê toe ons skielik besef ons het 'n dam nodig. Die hek was te klein om die groot Caterpillar graafmasjien deur te laat, toe moes ons toestemming by die bure vra om die draad aan hulle kant te knip. Ons wou 'n ronde dam hê, nie 'n reghoek of vierkant nie. Die gat is vinnig gegrawe. Rooiklei. Julle is gelukkig, het die werkers gesê, pure klei en geen nabank nie, dalk sal hy die water binnehou soos die outydse kleidamme. Maar die kleiwalle het gelek en ons het vinnig water verloor. Wat nou gemaak? Ons wou nie stene of sement gebruik nie, en het toe besluit op 'n plastiek damvoering. 

Tien jaar later is die voering vol gate, die leiwater stelsel nie langer bestendig nie en toe ons sit met 'n dam wat nie langer gebruik word nie. Die tuin rondom die dam is reeds gevestig en toe die plastiek eers uit is besef ons hoe mooi die kleigat eintlik is. So asof mens van bo af in een van Paul Potter se rou kleipotte inkyk. Dit sal jammer wees om dit sommer toe te gooi. Wat van 'n versinkte tuin, 'n braaiplek of 'n sandput? Almal gee raad, maar die gat wag geduldig. 

'n Jaar later toe die onkruid al skouerhoog groei soek ons steeds raad. Tot vriend Niël eendag uit die bloute opdaag in sy woonwa. Niël Jonker; broodbroer en bouer van my broodoond, skepper van bronsbeelde en skilderye. Net soos jare gelede kom hy op McGregor soek na koerasie en inspirasie. Hy gee die dam net een kyk en soek na potlood en papier om sy plan te skets. En so word die damfiteater gebore. 

Die vroedvroue was Niël en Abraham Fourie (alias Apie) die klipkunstenaar wat bekend is vir sy droë klipmure oral in die dorp. Niel het gemeet en gepas en beduie en Apie het self die nabank gaan uitkies op Colin se plaas. Hy het elke klip met hamer en priem losgebeitel uit die groot brokke leiklip, dit ingepas in die damwal en bevestig met 'n mengsel van sement, gruis en kleigrond. 

Twee dae later kyk vriendin Manuela verras na die damfiteater. “Dit lyk of die trappe altyd daar was! Kyk na die omlysting van die doringboom, die alwyne om die rand en die klei mure.”

Ja, dink ek, die teater was altyd daar, soos Dawid reeds in Michelangelo se rots was. Niël en Apie het dit net tevoorskyn gehaal.


Wednesday, 25 March 2015


Suenel Bruwer-Holloway

Esau hang sy selfoon in die boom.

Sy musiek kras die kristaldagbreek.

Wasgoedlyn filosowe deel

kosmiese sleutels

simpel grappies

hospice shop truie


volopte basielkruie

juwele – soos vye





skete en pyne





die geur van die tuinier se zolle.

Nog ’n week is verby.

From: McGregor Poetry Anthology 2013
Published by African Sun Press in association with the McGregor Poetry Festival
ISBN number 978-0-620-62302-5

The Poet:

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway lives in McGregor. Her plays have been performed at the Grahamstown Festival, in Britain and America. Her satire Cry Sis! Identity was published by Junkets in the Short, Sharp and Snappy Series. She raises children, cooks vast meals, walks dogs, teaches, does laundry, writes and gardens every day.

Previously published:

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway: Neighbours from The Ground’s Ear published by Quickfox, Cape Town, 2011. Hardcover ISBN 978-1-920-52619-1. Softcover ISBN 978-0-620-51665-5.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

By Sandvlei shore

Margaret Clough

Because I now have time to sit and stare
at waving reeds and gently flowing water,
I am becoming like the river as it nears its end.
After its headlong rush down granite cliffs,
and its busy journey through
the vineyards, and the fields,
arriving at
a wide and sandy beach, it’s forced
to slow its pace, to spread a little and to drop
its load of silty litter and to let,
the ripples on its surface smooth away,
so it can hold reflections
of the slow clouds,
floating by.

From: McGregor Poetry Anthology 2013
Published by African Sun Press in association with the McGregor Poetry Festival
ISBN number 978-0-620-62302-5

The Poet:

Margaret Clough is a retired soil chemist and science teacher. She has published one collection, At Least the Duck Survived; and her poems have been published variously in Litnet, South Africa Writing, Carapace and New Contrast.

Previously published:

Margaret Clough: By Sandvlei Shore and What are you doing this evening from At Least the Duck Survived. Modjaji Books, Cape Town, 2011. ISBN 978-1-920397-85-2. Surprises on the Internet from Carapace Volume 94 Cape Town.

Monday, 23 March 2015

O My Gedigte Tuin

Vestiging van die Breytenbach Sentrum Gedigte Tuin in Wellington
op 15 September 2012

Floris Brown

O’ hoe bly ek jou lyf op hoogtes soek
My hele wese roep uit na jou vrug
Ysberg blits vulkaan tot in elke hoek
Gooi ek nié tou op om jou te bevrug
Ek ry jou heelnagdeur tot daglig breek
Dié tuin van my bemes ek jaar na jaar
In SÝ paradys tot bloeisels uitsteek
Gesiggies tapisseer bo die blaar
Tonne humusverrykte kwatryne
Ego oor berge dale hemelruim
Tanka “Pop-’n-Wheel” oor witsandduine
Uit Japan klots haikoes soos branderskuim
In die limeriek sonnet vrye vers
Noem maar op ... sokkie ek met opsitkers

From: McGregor Poetry Anthology 2013
Published by African Sun Press in association with the McGregor Poetry Festival
ISBN number 978-0-620-62302-5

The Poet:

Floris Brown is an award-winning poet from Worcester who has published thirty-four collections. He is chairman of the Breede Valley Poetry Society. He has performed his poetry on television and at festivals around the country. In 2012 he received the Orde Van Die Kruik and the Orde Van Die Goue Pen. In 2013, the Worcester Rotary Club presented him with a Merit Award for promoting Afrikaans.

Previously published:

Floris Brown: Worcester huis van hoop tien jaar; O My Gedigte Tuin; Nagstil uit Oppad Met Afrikaans, Cordis Trust Publikasie, ISBN: 978-0-9870397-2-9.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Adult: Between Stormsvlei and Riviersonderend

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway

Thousands of little birds tow the sky:
a Pierneef landscape flung with animation.
Tiny notes land along the wire:
Instant sheet music stretches out a choir
around the field of stubble,
a bateleur eagle post-perched like a bass clef,
geese silhouetted against a silver puddle.
The mysterious absent baton swoops:
Black feathered notes bunch, spread, tense, flutter, fly;
The music rises, regroups, sweeps across the sky.

From: McGregor Poetry Anthology 2013
Published by African Sun Press in association with the McGregor Poetry Festival
ISBN number 978-0-620-62302-5

The Poet:

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway lives in McGregor. Her plays have been performed at the Grahamstown Festival, in Britain and America. Her satire Cry Sis! Identity was published by Junkets in the Short, Sharp and Snappy Series. She raises children, cooks vast meals, walks dogs, teaches, does laundry, writes and gardens every day.

Previously published:

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway: Neighbours from The Ground’s Ear published by Quickfox, Cape Town, 2011. Hardcover ISBN 978-1-920-52619-1. Softcover ISBN 978-0-620-51665-5.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Worcester huis van hoop tien jaar

Vir Sonja du Toit – 1 Junie 2013

Floris Brown

Woestyn in die hart van ’n brose vrou
Oor jare ’n hoë skansmuur gebou koud
Rou snikke deur die nag roep uit na GOD
Christene wéét glo dit is nié hul lot
En kom klop aan ’n deur gemaak van GOUD
Sonja du Toit die visioenêre vrou
Teken op GOD se Klei Tablette haar droom
En as woede oor haar angsvroue sak
Roep sy hul in om te skuil onder haar dak

Hoe ver moet ek nog buig om heel te maak?
Uit as, dwelms is ’n Godgewe taak
In die koue uur van jou alleen wees
Stap ék saam met jou en die HEILIGE GEES

Vanoggend het daar nuwes geklop vir HOOP
Aand-na-aand kon ek hul hartseer doop in stroop
Na heling hulle op SY paaie laat loop

Om kop te lig. Vir GOD te sê: “Hier is ek”
Om aan SY voete van SY kruis te kniel
Prontuit te sê: “Ék is GOD se Nuwe Siel”

Teen die skemeruur met die volmaan se skyn
Is ék die OSCARVROU moedig en rein
Ek hoor die mooi van die see mét sy storm
Nadat GOD my gegiet het in SY nuwe vorm

JOU liefde wat ek in die boesem van my hart se
Asse dra, spoel oor van geslag tot geslag
Angstig geduldig wag ek om U stem te hoor
Roep, wanneer kinders in hul heel huise weer lag ...

From: McGregor Poetry Anthology 2013
Published by African Sun Press in association with the McGregor Poetry Festival
ISBN number 978-0-620-62302-5

The Poet:

Floris Brown is an award-winning poet from Worcester who has published thirty-four collections. He is chairman of the Breede Valley Poetry Society. He has performed his poetry on television and at festivals around the country. In 2012 he received the Orde Van Die Kruik and the Orde Van Die Goue Pen. In 2013, the Worcester Rotary Club presented him with a Merit Award for promoting Afrikaans.

Previously published:

Floris Brown: Worcester huis van hoop tien jaar; O My Gedigte Tuin; Nagstil uit Oppad Met Afrikaans, Cordis Trust Publikasie, ISBN: 978-0-9870397-2-9.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Kind: Klavierles

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway

Vyf drade gespan oor die hele blad.
Links sit ’n kraanvoël maar hy is deskant, die regterhand
Vet voëltjies, hol duifies, skaars daar swaeltjies, vinkies, sysies, mossies
land op die heining, ewewig onseker.
Bo sweef ’n valk, land nie, die rus fladder daar.
Vet vingertjies tas ...
                              (die voëltjies aarsel, tril. Sit tog stil!)
.... en kry die klawers
weer en weer tot vingertjies vol vertroue vlieg oor die note
en voëltjies sit op die vyf-draad heining met stewige pote.

From: McGregor Poetry Anthology 2013
Published by African Sun Press in association with the McGregor Poetry Festival
ISBN number 978-0-620-62302-5

The Poet:

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway lives in McGregor. Her plays have been performed at the Grahamstown Festival, in Britain and America. Her satire Cry Sis! Identity was published by Junkets in the Short, Sharp and Snappy Series. She raises children, cooks vast meals, walks dogs, teaches, does laundry, writes and gardens every day.

Previously published:

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway: Neighbours from The Ground’s Ear published by Quickfox, Cape Town, 2011. Hardcover ISBN 978-1-920-52619-1. Softcover ISBN 978-0-620-51665-5.

Thursday, 19 March 2015



Floris Brown

om te staar deur ’n venster
waar daar geen venster is nie

om te luister na geluide
waar daar geen geluide is nie

om te wil praat
waar daar geen spraak is nie

om te dwaal in my stikdonker gedagtes
al langs die muur voel-voel langs die muur

tot jou vingers my vingers aanraak
jy ’n rustigheid oor my bring

Mamma waar is jy Mamma
die wêreld vir my een groot vrees

Mamma hoevel sterre het die nag?
Ek wil vir elkeen ’n “smiley” stuur wat lag ...

From: McGregor Poetry Anthology 2013

Published by African Sun Press in association with the McGregor Poetry Festival 

ISBN number 978-0-620-62302-5

The Poet:

Floris Brown is an award-winning poet from Worcester who has published thirty-four collections. He is chairman of the Breede Valley Poetry Society. He has performed his poetry on television and at festivals around the country. In 2012 he received the Orde Van Die Kruik and the Orde Van Die Goue Pen. In 2013, the Worcester Rotary Club presented him with a Merit Award for promoting Afrikaans.

Previously published:

Floris Brown: Worcester huis van hoop tien jaar; O My Gedigte Tuin; Nagstil uit Oppad Met Afrikaans, Cordis Trust Publikasie, ISBN: 978-0-9870397-2-9.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

McGregor Gedigtefees 2015

Kan jy glo, daar word beplan aan die derde Gedigtefees en vanjaar gaan die fees oor vier dae aangebied word. 27-30 Augustus 2015 Soos met die eerste was die 2014 Gedigtefees ook suksesvol aangebied. Digters van regoor Suid-Afrika asook gaste van Amerika en Holland het'n hoogs vervulde naweek geniet in ons mooi dorp in die hartjie van die Vallei van Wyn en Rose.

Die 2015 Gedigtefees gaan sonder twyfel weer 'n besonderse geleentheid wees.Ons verwag weer 'n groot getal digters wat vanjaar gaan deelneem, bekende Poësie ikone van Suid-Afrika asook opkomende nuwe talent.

'n Geleentheid om Digters van naderby te ontmoet en in 'n gesellige luim saam te kuier, by ons restaurante, kunsgallerye , lokale en teater. Temenos Retreat sal weer die sentrale punt van gebeurlikheid wees met 'n hele paar ander lokale regdeur die dorp.

Kom beleef spesiale oomblikke saam met digters wie hul skryfwerk, voorlesings, besprekings en werkswinkels met ons deel. Ander aanbiedings sluit onder andere in musiekuitvoerings, impromptu verse maak, oop mikrofoonsessies en filmvertonings.

Almal met 'n liefde vir Poësie en die Letterkunde , mag nie hierdie geleentheid misloop nie.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Reservoir Blog March 2015 Edition

After the phenomenal success of our first two Poetry Festivals, held in 2013 and 2014, it was a no-brainer that we needed to get the 2015 show on the road. So we are decided, and up and running. This year’s festival will revert to Winter, being held over the last weekend in August. We took some time to decide on a date, but ultimately September and October are too busy. I personally like a Winter festival. It is a magical time here in McGregor, and the log-fires and warm coats and hats are a pleasure. Our first festival was held in early Winter, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. So let’s hope that 2015 is even better.

In keeping with our belief that we should try to make awareness of poetry and all things beautiful a year round exercise, we held our first event of the year last week. Gary Thomas, an accomplished guitarist, entertained a packed crowd at our home, The Reservoir. He was brilliant, and the folk who were there experienced a very special performance. We also raised a small amount of money for the Festival fund- an important part of making the Festival a success.

I am delighted that acclaimed poet Chris Mann will be performing in our second event of the year. He is a highly respected poet, whose work is wonderful. I was fortunate to teach his poetry many times, and I attended one of his energetic performances too. He reads and sings his poetry, to the accompaniment of his guitar, and his performances are a delight. He will be with us on the 1 April, and will be performing at Caritas in Temenos at 7.30 pm. Do yourself a favour and be there if you can.

Here is a poem from Chris Mann entitled Domestic Icons, from Kites( 1990):

Cattle, marmalade-coloured,

with freckled udders;

a wind-pump’s iron tower.

The stream, that winter dusk,

cold and vinegar brown

sluicing across white pebbles.

Nasturtiums, their small riot

of yellow and orange

beside the kitchen step.

And kneeling on a rug,

a wife, her arms

sheltering a mutual joy,

pale, blurred in the gloom,

vulnerable as a doll

washed onto a stormy beach.

Enjoy the Summer days whilst they last.

Be careful out there.


Monday, 9 March 2015

Chris Mann at Caritas

We plan to hold monthly fund-raising events to raise funds for the next McGregor Poetry Festival (27 to 30 August). 

The next event will take place on Wednesday 1 April at 7.30pm in Caritas at Temenos and the details are as follows: 

Chris Mann, Emeritus Professor of Poetry at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, presents a moving performance of accessible poems and original songs for the guitar. The presentation is based on his latest slim volume of poems, Rudiments of Grace. The book was launched in the Cathedral of St Michael and St George, Grahamstown, as part of the Spiritfest programme during the National Arts Festival in July 2014. 

This is a beautifully crafted and unified collection. Chris Mann tells a love story which is full of passion, tenderness, and lyric grace. Lucy Newlyn, Professor of English Language and Literature, Oxford. These poems tell a story that is as profound as it is familiar. The poems are delicate, shaded, sometimes startlingly direct, but above all honest. They are sacraments to love. Reverend David Jasper, Professor of Literature and Theology, University of Glasgow. Moments of profundity spring regularly from Mann’s uncommon renderings of intimacy. Nick Mulgrew, Mail and Guardian, Johannesburg. 
This is one of the most beautiful books of poetry I have ever read. Emeritus Professor Rosemary Gray, Institute for African Renaissance Studies, University of South Africa. 

Entry (and a glass of our Poetry Wine) is by donation at the door. For more information, please contact Jennifer Johnson (McGregor Poetry Festival Co-Ordinator) 023 625 1908 / 084 675 1164 

This performance will take place even if there is load shedding that night!

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Gary Thomas Concert

On Friday night Mc Gregorites were treated to a very special evening at The Reservoir, 30 Church Street. 

Virtuoso Cape Town guitarist Gary Thomas rocked the reservoir in a stunning display of guitar magic. Close to 60 lucky people packed the stoep to enjoy 90 minutes of guitar mastery under a starry, moonlit sky. On a perfect evening, Gary rewarded all present with a dazzling display of his musical skill. The rapturous response from all there was indicative of just how much everybody enjoyed the performance. What he achieves with a guitar, stomp box and effects microphone is amazing. To cap off the night he even produced a violin bow to play the final tune on the night.

All in all a fabulous evening, and a great way to start the McGregor Poetry Festival activities for the year- he really is a poet with that guitar. Thanks to all the local friends who came out to support the event. Hopefully it will not be the last time that The Reservoir reverberates to applause! Special thanks to Gary Thomas for agreeing to be with us. Best of luck for the rest of your SA Tour and good luck in Europe.

by David Magner