Since ancient times our understanding of ourselves, our sense of what lies within, was said to come out of the blue: inspiration, the breath of heaven, the song of the muse, the voice of the poet. But now, in these bitter-sweet times, our new nation tensing in conflicted diversity, how do we hear ourselves – mice-quiet or bull-bellowing? What is the intimate content of our common voice now?
We are mirrors to each other in our humanity and our poets, giving voice to individual truth, express for us the insights in which healing is found. It is the joy of the sky’s eternal renewal, after all that the poet’s voice realises: the simple idea of freedom, our common South African goal. Because freedom, above all, is a state of mind, an experience of being, not a static social reality. When said and done, it is not the poet’s insight itself, but the experience of it emerging into our mind that makes the difference. We feel the presence of what was absent. We live Creation itself. We know the fathomless blue of heaven inside the vault of the human skull.
Open Category “Voices on Fire”
Poetry Competition
Poetry Competition
· Have you ever thought of writing poetry?
· Have you written an unpublished poem?
· Would you like to see your poetry published?
· Are you over the age of 19?
Then you are eligible to enter our Open Category and stand a chance of winning R 7,500.00 CASH and a trophy. The finalists may have the opportunity to have their poetry published in our annual “Poetry in McGregor” Anthology and their winning entries will be read during our “Poetry in McGregor” weekend which will take place from the 26 to 28 August 2016.
Competition Guidelines : Entries restricted to unpublished poems *The poem must be the original work of the entrant submitting it *Poems must have a title * Length submitted must be between 12 and 40 lines * Poems may be in English or Afrikaans or IsiXhosa* Full names must be provided plus date of birth and contact numbers * Maximum of two poems per poet * Entries must be submitted separately * The judges’ decision is final * No correspondence will be entered into *Entries must be typed and emailed to: /posted to PO Box 361, McGregor, 6708 / faxed to 086 756 0864 / delivered to the Temenos Office, corner Voortrekker and Bree Streets, McGregor.
The name of the (one and only) winner will be announced at the prize-giving function which will take place at 11.30am on Saturday 27th August in Caritas at Temenos Retreat, Long Street entrance, McGregor, 6708.
“Voices on Fire”Gedigtekompetisie
Oop kategorie
Het jy al ooit daaraan gedink om `n gedig te skryf?
Het jy `n gedig geskryf wat nog nie gepubliseer is nie?
Sal jy graag jou gedigte will laat publiseer?
Is jy 19 jaar of ouer?
As jou antwoord JA is op hierdie vrae kwalifiseer jy om in te skryf vir die “Oop kategorie” van vanjaar se gedigtekompetisie. Die wenner gaan wegstap met R7 500.00 kontant en `n trofee. Die finaliste se gedigte sal oorweeg word vir publikasies in die jaarlikse “Poetry in McGregor” digbundel. Die wen-inskrywings sal ook tydens die Gedigte in McGregor naweek voorgelees word. Die gedig moet `n titel hê en tussen 12 en 40 reels lank wees. Gedigte mag in Afrikaans, Engels of Xhosa voorgelê word. Stuur daarbysaam jou volle naam, asook geboortedatum en kontakbesonderhede. Daar mag slegs een of twee gedigte per digter ingeskryf word en dit moet ons in aparte eposse bereik. Die beoordelaars se beslissing is finaal en geen verdere korrespondensie sal daarna plaasvind nie. Die gedigte moet per epos gestuur word na of getik op `n bladsy gepos na Posbus 361, McGregor, 6708. Daar is ook n opsie om getikte weergawe te faks na 086 756 0864 of om dit persoonlik by die Temenos kantoor op die hoek van Voortrekker- en Bree Straat, McGregor af te lewer.
Die wenner sal aangekondig word by `n funksie wat 11h30 op Saterdag 27 Augustus plaasvind by Caritas, Temenos (Langstraat ingang.)
High School Category “Voices on Fire”
Poetry Competition
Poetry Competition
· Have you ever thought of writing poetry?
· Have you written an unpublished poem?
· Would you like to see your poetry published?
· Are you between the ages of 13 to 18?
Then you are eligible to enter the High School Category where the winner will receive a R2,500 book voucher and a trophy plus the opportunity to have your poetry read at the next “Poetry in McGregor” weekend which will take place from the 26 to 28 August 2016 and the top poems may be published in the 2016 “Poetry in McGregor” Anthology
Competition Guidelines : Entries restricted to unpublished poems *The poem must be the original work of the entrant submitting it *Poems must have a title * Length submitted must be between 12 and 40 lines * Poems may be in English or Afrikaans or IsiXhosa* Full names must be provided plus date of birth and contact numbers * Maximum of two poems per poet * Entries must be submitted separately * Our judges’ decision is final * No correspondence will be entered into *Entries must be typed and emailed to: /posted to PO Box 361, McGregor, 6708 / faxed to 086 756 0864 / delivered to the Temenos Office, corner Voortrekker and Bree Streets, McGregor.
The name of the winner will be announced at the prize-giving function which will take place at 11.30am on Saturday 27th August in Caritas at Temenos Retreat, Long Street entrance, McGregor, 6708.
“Voices on Fire”Gedigtekompetisie
Hoërskool Kategorie:
Het jy al ooit daaraan gedink om `n gedig te skryf?
Het jy `n gedig geskryf wat nog nie gepubliseer is nie?
Sal jy graag jou gedigte will laat publiseer?
Is jy tussen 13 en 19 jaar oud?
As jou antwoord JA is op hierdie vrae kwalifiseer jy om in te skryf vir die “Hoërskool kategorie” van vanjaar se gedigtekompetisie. Die wenner gaan wegstap met R2 500.00 se boek -geskenkbewyse en `n trofee. Die finaliste se gedigte sal oorweeg word vir publikasies in die jaarlikse “Poetry in McGregor” digbundel. Die wen-inskrywings sal ook tydens die Gedigte in McGregor naweek voorgelees word. Die gedig moet `n titel hê en tussen 12 en 40 reels lank wees. Gedigte mag in Afrikaans, Engels of Xhosa voorgelê word. Stuur daarbysaam jou volle naam, asook geboortedatum en kontakbesonderhede. Daar mag slegs een of twee gedigte per digter ingeskryf word en dit moet ons in aparte eposse bereik. Die beoordelaars se beslissing is finaal en geen verdere korrespondensie sal daarna plaasvind nie. Die gedigte moet per epos gestuur word na of getik op `n bladsy gepos na Posbus 361, McGregor, 6708. Daar is ook n opsie om getikte weergawe te faks na 086 756 0864 of om dit persoonlik by die Temenos kantoor op die hoek van Voortrekker- en Bree Straat, McGregor af te lewer.
Die wenner sal aangekondig word by `n funksie wat 11h30 op Saterdag 27 Augustus plaasvind by Caritas, Temenos (Langstraat ingang.)
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